----- eParapher quick start ----- The eParapher Team ----- eParapher quick start * Requirements ** Java Runtime eParapher requires JRE 1.5 minimum, which is now usually bundled with you operating system. {{{http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre&try=1} Verify here }} your java version, and download {{{http://java.com/}Sun's JRE}} if necessary.\ IBM {{{http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/linux/download.html}Linux JRE}} is not yet supported, due to special PKCS11 JCE. ** Open Office If you want eParapher to convert your Microsoft Office (word, excel, power point) and/or Open office documents, please {{{http://download.openoffice.org/}download}} and install Open office. If you can't install applications due to rights restrictions, you can use a {{{http://portableapps.com/apps/office/openoffice_portable}portable version}}. * Installation eParapher RCP client is very simple to install : * {{{download/index.html}Download}} it * unzip it * launch it [] * Configuration ** Generate your personal certificate To generate digital signatures, you need to generate a private key, protected by a secret, and it's relative X509 certificate.\ At the first start, eParapher will suggest to create your own certificate. If you already have a keystore with X509 certificates issued by a PKI,\ then select it in the -> -> -> The main concepts around digital certificates : * Your certificate is public ID card, certified by a CA that check/validate your identity. * You prove your identity by using your private key and sending your certificate. ** Open Office directory To configure open office directory in eParapher preferences : * Go to -> * Select -> * on OpenOffice binary dir, click on and select the folder that contain the <> binary file. * on OpenOffice library dir, click on and select the folder that contain the <> directory. [] Then you are ready to use Open office runtime to generate PDF/A signed documents, ready for archiving. * Usage ** Sign your files It's very easy : * Select one or more files in the document view * right click and choose the signature format you want.\ if you choose pdf, this will try to convert your file to pdf. [] ** Keystore Managment Coming soon...